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Read the list of new features below or download it here

What’s New in SteelSmart System 7.5?
All Design Modules:
- Added 2015 IBC, AISI S100-12, & ASCE 7-10
Load Bearing & Curtain Walls:
- New framing connectors DriftTrak® DTLB-HD, DriftTrak® DTSLB-HD, and VertiClip® Splice800
- New header/sill clip connector StiffClip® HS
- New filter applicable connection clips with attached stud member parameters
- New Allow removal of openings in user-defined stacked openings template
- Updated StiffClip® allowable forces
- New Single SigmaStud® configuration for Jambs
- Updated stiffness data for StiffClip® CL and update deflection calculations for cantilever walls considering deflection due to base rotation
- Updated header-to-jamb double clip StiffClip® AL connection design
X-Braced Shear Wall:
- New StiffWall® column built-up sections
- New “Check Safety” option in StiffWall® module
- New Twin Stack StiffWall® temple in addition to Single Stack, and allow design of Twin Stack groups
- Updated deflection calculations for MidWall® considering deflection due to base rotation
Load Generator & Distributor:
- New “Court Yard” building shape to list of building shapes
- Updated “Shear Wall Data” with Twin Stack StiffWall® option
Roof Trusses / Roof Rafters:
- New load cases for Roof and Truss modules (OL1, OL2, OL3)
- New option to select varied member sections for truss web members
- New selection of truss joint extension distance, in case of B2B or WC connections
Utilities / Tools:
- New option to calculate section properties for custom stud and track sections
- Updated screw connection design module according to latest design code
User Interface:
- Enhanced graphics in Output Reports and drawings in Drawing Generator
- Modified report group viewer to allow delete of saved entries
Resources & Help:
- New & Updated light steel framing details
- Updated Technical Manual, User Manual, & Verification Samples