Applied Science International, LLC (ASI) & The Steel Network, Inc. (TSN)  are excited to announce the release of Build 116 for our new SteelSmart® Framer BIM software for Light Steel Framing.

SteelSmart Framer makes it possible to quickly and easily model a light steel framing building and instantly obtain your materials list and shop drawings. If you ever work on panelized projects, this is the perfect software to determine exactly what goes in each panel.

This release includes the following new features:

  • Split walls into panels so the user can apply framing and all other operations to generated panels or even walls as whole
  • Individual panel framing, allowing for different framing parameters for different panels
  • Insert post markers in walls where no framing takes place in this marker space
  • Precise opening geometry calculations, instead of relying on an openings nominal dimensions
  • Enhancements to the stud layout algorithm
  • Allow use of View Templates for Panel Drawings and Shop Drawings
  • Compatibility is maintained with old SSF files for build numbers 95, 107
  • Build 95 users will need to reactivate their license with a new automated licensing process
  • Build 107 users will not need to relicense with build 116


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