SSS 8.0 B104 is now available, with some great new improvements requested by users.
New updates in SSS 8.0 B104 –
- More than 15 stories are now allowed in the Load Generator (up to 20 stories).
- Wind load is now calculated by the Load Generator on roof overhangs in case of flat/monoslope roofs.
- For user-defined wall studs, base support can be selected as roller allowing for either vertical deflection only or vertical deflection and drift.
- Minimum span is now 6” instead of 1’.
- Openings can be over 20’ wide (up to 36’ wide).
- Box section options were added for framing of window sill.
- Track members are allowed for Beam framing (one piece or two pieces back-to-back).
- For Truss components, output of members and clips can be exported as an MS Excel Sheet.
Current SSS subscriber?
Update today! Users with current subscriptions can now log in/download/install the new updated version of SSS 8.0 B104.
Simply log in to your ASI Portal to update your software.
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