Release of SteelSmart System 7 Service Pack 2

Aug 15, 2015 | Applied Science International, CFS Software, Software Update

SteelSmart System 7 Service Pack  2

  • Updated JamStud® nomenclature.
  • Updated the databases of Standard (S) and (T) sections.
  • Unified the design of wall bridging for all supported design codes to be based on the AISI S100-12 Specification and the AISI S211-07 Standard.
  • Revision of the design module for the connection of wall clip to structure to account for minimum fastener spacing recommended by manufacturer, and introducing the calculation of shear and tensile available strengths of PAFs driven into steel substrate in accordance with the new relevant provisions in the AISI S100-12 Specification.
  • Significant enhancements in the X-Brace Shear Wall component including the consideration of Special Seismic Requirements in accordance with the AISI S213-07 Standard instead of the AISI 2004 Standard for Lateral Design, unifying the calculation of the available tensile strength of flat strap plates and the available shear strength of bolts connecting boots to columns to be in accordance with the AISI S100-12 Specification, and making the design of anchorage to foundations as optional, and introducing new Mechanical Anchors and Hilti Epoxy Anchors for this connection.
  • Revision of load cases and combinations for the Roof Rafters and Roof Trusses components.
  • Adding an option to laterally brace the web/diagonal members of roof trusses @ specified intervals when the member length exceeds a selected value.
  • Introducing the new StiffClip® HE(S) for connection of headers with short depths (e.g. TSN JamStud Header) to jambs.
  • Revisions of available load tables for DriftClip® DSLS and StiffClip® CL.
  • Significant enhancements in the lateral load distribution on shear walls in the Load Generator tool by adding newer loading cases for seismic loads, and replacing the existing loading cases for wind loads to be in accordance with Section ASCE 7-05 or Section 27.4.6 ASCE 7-10.

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