Load Bearing Wall Design
SteelSmart® System’s Load Bearing Wall design module enables users to quickly design load bearing cold formed steel walls and engineer alternatives to other building components, such as concrete or masonry. Having the ability to provide clients with the economic benefits of steel framing with a minimal time investment enhances the value provided to the client.

The Load Bearing Walls design module designs load bearing steel stud wall members, connectors, and fasteners in a single span configuration. The option of entering a user defined assembly is also available to meet specific project demands. SteelSmart System’s Load Bearing Walls module also includes the capability of quickly designing window or door components.
Use of light steel framing in load bearing wall applications continues to increase with the development and testing of Standard sections and innovations such as The Steel Network’s SigmaStud® and JamStud®. Light steel framing may be used as a load bearing component in structures up to 10 stories in height. SteelSmart System provides the means to facilitate quick member selection to suit specific project requirements.
Optimize member selection between SigmaStud, JamStud, and Standard ‘cee’ sections. Standard, ‘cee’ shape load bearing members are manufactured by many companies, providing competitive pricing for clients. TSN’s SigmaStud sections increase load capacity up to 40% over ‘cee’ shapes of like thicknesses, adding a more effective section to the competitive bidding process as well as giving the designer another option for the design of negotiated projects.
SteelSmart System Basic
Choose from a wide-variety of common curtain wall applications, such as bypass, infill, spandrel, parapet, and opening conditions. Complete the assembly with TSN's connections and Hilti's fasteners.
Optimize load bearing stud elements in low and mid-rise structures. Select fromStandard sections or the optimal SigmaStudsection.
Shear wall design is simplified with the power of SSS 7. Newly added special seismic design requirements provide clients with multiple design options.
Choose from TSN'sPrimeJoistor Standard sections to quickly select a steel-framed floor system.
Design roof rafters and joists quickly and easily with SteelSmartSystem's Roof Module.
Select from a variety of common trusses, or create your own truss to design the members, connections, fasteners, and lateral bracing elements.
Simplify and optimize the design and construction of a short wall or half wall in residential and commercial cold formed steel framing.
SteelSmart System Advanced
Lateral Load Generator/Distributor
The Lateral Load Generator/Distributor tool uses the dimensions and load specification for a building and calculates the total lateral wind and seismic loads according to ASCE 7 Standard “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures”.
Plots framing layout of the wall and adds the connection design data (clip designation, number of fasteners, embedment, and screw pattern) to the typical connection detail. The drawing also includes framing members’ cross-sections and shapes. The drawing can be exported in AutoCAD;DXF format.
BIM Framing Plugin for Revit
SteelSmart® Framer: Framing Plugin for Revit
The SteelSmart® Framer provides engineers and contractors with a powerful tool to better design, estimate, and communicate light steel framing on projects using Autodesk® Revit® Building Information Modeling (BIM) software. Easily model every stud, track, shear walls, and connector. Export complete material take-off for better estimation and planning of your project.
Advanced Structural Analysis
Extreme Loading for Structures Software or ELS, is an advanced non-linear structural analysis software tool designed specifically for structural engineers. ELS allows structural engineers to study the 3D behavior of structures through both the continuum and discrete stages of loading.